Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Successful PSED is critical for all young children in all aspects of their lives, in order to give them the best opportunity for success in the other areas of learning.

We want all our children to be valued members of the Pre-School and the wider community and to develop a strong self-image and positive self-esteem.

We aim to do this by:

  • Supporting the child and their family through the transition into Pre-school using key workers and settling in forms.
  • Promoting good home / Pre-School partnership.
  • Promoting an inclusive ethos.
  • Treating each child as unique, remembering that each child's needs are different.
  • Recognising the importance of praise.
  • Promoting and encouraging child initiated play.
  • Ensuring a welcoming, safe, warm and caring atmosphere within Pre-School.
  • Recognising the importance of children sharing news, books, pictures etc brought in from home, with the Pre-School.
  • Promoting children's independent choosing through different activities, and self- service snack bar.
  • Encouraging children's independence and self- help skills with the snack bar, self- registration, going to the toilet, washing hands and tidying up etc.
  • Providing a well-stocked role play area with changing themes
  • Planning circle times to allow each child an opportunity to chat to the group if they want.
  • Displaying photographs of the children and pieces of their work around the Pre-School.
  • Involving all our children (if they wish to take part) in our Christmas Nativity.
  • Celebrating various festivals and customs throughout the year.
  • Using puppets and games to promote emotional, spiritual, moral and social development.
  • Ensuring all staff are good role models.